Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have to many teeth pulled out?

Ok so i am 23 years old , i already have 3 teeth pulled from bad toothe aches because i couldnt afford a root c within the past 3 years i have 2 more teeth 1 thats broken and the other that is severly aching bad. soon enough i will have to get these other 2 pulled because i will not be able to stand the pain anymore.I am only 23 years old with 3 teeth pulled already , is this bad? i brush and floss my teeth everyday and somehow manage to get tooth aches , Anyways im afraid my girlfreind wont love me anymore with 4 pulled teeth , and dentures make you look ugly with the lip sag and its obvously when somone has dentures that will soon be me!!!! because dentists gotta be so expensive , does anyone have any advise what i should do , am i the only one at such a young age to have this problem?

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