Sunday, December 4, 2011

How do I approach this problem?

I am in a relationship with a guy i care about deeply but after one year I've realized I've made some major mistakes. One of which is allowing WAY too much and enabling him. I never said no or put myself first when I should have I did everything for him only to not get he same in return. In short I've allowed him to take advantage of my kindness. I love him and I know he loves me but there's this extremely selfish side to him and I feel like he got into this relationship with me because he needed me and thought that maybe I could help him with the things He wants for his life. I feel like his dreams are more important than the whole picture.. Us together, not him. I feel like he got into this relationship for selfish reasons. Since we have been together He's been attentive, kind, and giving.. but i feel like our relationship is SO one-sided because of my lack of ertiveness and taking a stand and knowing when to say no and take time for myself. How do I approach him and discuss what I'm feeling without him getting defensive or making this about him? Because communication is SERIOUSLY not one of his strong suits...

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