Sunday, December 4, 2011

My college Art teacher hates me!?

This is my third year in college because i have to stay to finish my art level sins i started again last year after quiting in first year. My art teacher has always hated me and i don't know why, when i ask for help he ignores me until ive said his name about 4 times then he snaps at me and tells me that its my own fault and i should get on with it on my own or that i 'should already know this'. Ive always been well known for my art work but he never even acknowledges my work. In the exam he took photographs of every ones work exept mine. Embarres mein frontt of the cl and subtly hints that he thinks im lying about the amount of stress im going through. Im now dreading going back to college and i have grown to hate art all together, i cant even make myself do the work anymore. In the exam i got a D because he lied to me and told me i was definitely going to p so i could stop doing work. But i need to get a good grade in art to get onto the top photography course in University

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