Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Most painful case. I'm clueless of what to do?

If killing oneself isnt heinous, then this message would not be posted anymore. I feel so pathetic. My boyfriend and I just separated ways. The reason is - he's jealous of his friend because he thinks i'm flirting with that guy. If only he knew, I gave up everything for him, make him fall in love with me everyday, make him happy, proud of him, done everything for him. Here's the catch, I used to call my boyfriend's friend when he's not answering my calls cause I know they're together. I've been texting him before I called his friend but he didnt answer. So called his friend and talk to my bf. a little later, he texted me that he lost his trust on me. I've been asking him questions like why am i getting painful words from him and he asks me to figure it out myself. I swear. I never ever cheated on him. I love him so much and I just cant stand us separating ways. But now we're done. And I'm not so over him yet. What am I gona do if he doesnt want me back? Im thinking I'll go for suicde.

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