Monday, December 5, 2011

Should i just kill myself?

my whole life ive been depressed but lately its gotten really bad. i NEVER feel happy anymore. its not the gloomy type or angry type ive always dealt with either it just feels death or something. i feel like its to difficult to think or try to solve my problems or even cry i just sit in a perpetually agitated state and its torture. i really just want to die so much. i hate my life. i hate my family for what theyve done to me. i hate my friends. i hate myself. i dont feel like i can love anymore. i think what trigured this is a friend told me to stop blaming myself for everything thats happened to me and blame the ones responsable. i did and now instaed of self loathing i have simple emptyness like my whole lifes been a waste and i should just end it. i really need some help.

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