Thursday, December 1, 2011

Germany has an emby and many shops sell German goods in London?

HELL NO it doesn't!!! They are being overly rude and disconcerned about their host country and it's inhabitants that had died and the families left behind. I don't believe in a "community center" for them being for innocent purposes I heard the leader of said "community center" speak just recently and he said and I quote " America has more blood on it's hands than Al' Quaida could ever have" and this was in the HOST COUNTRY when he said this, JUST PRIOR TO BUILDING IN SAID COUNTRY! He has no innocent intentions, he intends to recruit for fanatical Islam, he indicated that in his speech. Go research it if you don't believe it. I know people in some BIG places in government and trust me THEY don't even trust these people. So WHY should I? or ANYONE ELSE in America for that matter? You are being very naive if you believe these people are building for anything but bragging and recruiting "rights" for their twisted, distorted view on us Americans.

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