Friday, December 2, 2011

I was humiliated publicly..what should i do?

i was playing basketball wid a few guys in the court..was wearing shorts and wasnt wearing a t-shirt..there was this girl who was playing with me and she was damn while playing i just got close to her and slapped her real hard in the pretext of stealing the ball..she glared at me really hard..but din say anything..i did it two more times..but she din say anything..just then a group of 10-11 girls from my cl ped by.There was this girl amongst them whom i had sumthn for i was trying to impress i jumped to take a shot..this girl(whose i had slapped)came from behind and pantsed me completely..and my undies came down as well..i was so shocked and embared...i tried to cover myself but it was too late..she turned me around and slapped my hard thrice..and laughed at me as she ha taken her revenge..the girls were laughing at me madly and i was publicly humiliated..what should i do now?ill neva b able to live this down..ievn said sori but she l

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