Thursday, December 1, 2011

What do i do now? hes dead? but what do i do?

ok my friend Jake died on August 15 2009 and i still cant accept it i go to sleep cryN every night over it and its really starting to bug me...we were really close when he ped we were dateing and i loved him so much and now its just so hard...even with that beeing a long time ago it still hurts so bad and it feels like it just happened and whats worse is his brother whose been in love with me since we were like 5 asked me out recently but im not sure im ready for a new guy is this normal? should i give him a chance?...the worst part is that i have a 2yearold who keeps asking wheres daddy and i dont know what to tell her shes so little i dont want to tell her the truth which is why i think a new guy would be good but would that make her jealous? (yes she has been jealous of my past boyfriends and im 15 w/ a 2 yearold)i dont know what to do please help!

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