Saturday, December 3, 2011

Whats your favrite dom blonde joke?

Mine is... There was a dom blone skipping down a rail road track singing thirty one, thirty one, thirty one a brown haired lady saw her doing this and thought it looked fun so she asked if she could join her and the dum blonde said yes so they started to skipp allong singging thirty one, thirty one, thirty one pretty soon a train came by so the bloonde steped off the track but the brown haired lady didn't hear the train and got ran over once the train was gone the dom blone got back on the track and stared to skipp and sing thirty two, thirty two,thirty two. I think it's a funny one here's anther. There were 11 men and a dom blonde on a boat it was to much weght so one called a heicopter to come save them on there cell phone. When the heicopter got there they let down a rope and all 11 men and the dom blonde hoped on they were to heavy so they said the dom blonde should get off so the dom blonde said she would so all the claped. they all fell off the rope because they clapped for her!!

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