Friday, December 2, 2011

Would the british army accept me back after my medical discharge?

hello. im 18 and i was kicked out of the army last year. i was only 16 when i applied so to join the rifles regiment so when i was ready for training, i was sent down to Harrigate as a junior soldier. but when i got there, i caught myself swine flu which slowed me down behind everyone else. after that i caught post viral depression which is what got me kicked out. they don't want depressed people handling guns after all. anyway, they told me that i could re apply in october of last year, and ive recently be reconsidering joining up again. i still suffer a bit from depression but im getting help for it. also, i cant decide what to join up as. i torn between a Combat Medical Technician or rejoining my old regiment, the Rifles. i've always wanted to go on to try out for special forces one day.

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