Thursday, December 1, 2011

About my hair!!!! serious question.?

You need to go see a doctor because you could have ringworm, which is a nasty little bacteria. I have very thin hair too, and i lose a lot when i wash and brush. you might want to take your hair down from that bun and let it breath some.... it's probably being pulled to tight, and hair being up all the time, isn't always healthy for it. when you get done washing your hair i suggest you let it air dry before brushing it, and then brushing it with a comb. especially if you have thin hair, brush aren't for you, they're for people with hair that can break combs. haha. also when buying a comb pick one with wide space between the teeth... it's just better for your hair. don't use shampoos like pantene pro v because shampoos like that make you lose hair. just really start to take care of it better. and see a doctor about that rash.

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